Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All you need to know about paragliding

Learning to fly like an eagle may not be possible, but soaring like an eagle is. For those people who have the dream of flying, now is the time to make it happen. Paragliding will probably be the easiest way, and the quickest way to learn to fly. The big question is how do you get started?Before You Learn to Paraglide, realize that paragliding may not be for you. You may have fears that you cannot overcome. Occasionally, people just don't like it. However, the only way to find out is to get out and try. As they say, "it is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try."

Benefits of ParaglidingParagliding is relatively safe, easy to learn, and affordable. Buying a paraglide is a lot cheaper than buying an airplane or a glider plane. In fact, you don't even need a license to fly a paraglider.  You can carry it easily and it doesn't require special equipment to transport. Most paragliders weigh only 30 pounds and pack away easily into the car.Easier to Learn than Hang Gliding.

From a safety standpoint, learning paragliding will give you more control of the take off and landing. Not only will you have control of the take off, you can choose how high you will fly. Knowing this will ease your thoughts and give you the confidence to learn like an eagle.Practicing from a low to moderate altitude will build your confide when first beginning to learn. You will glide slower than a hang glider thus giving you more time to react. When a hundred plus feet up, panic is not your friend.Since you are not required to jump off a cliff or a mountain, leaving your fears behind is a whole lot easier. Although, it does give you time to back out, unlike hang gliding. When hang gliding, once you start running, you cannot stop.

Receive a USHGA Rating. For the most part, it will only take 5 to 10 lessons to achieve a novice rating. Yes, you are rated based on your skill. Therefore, you don't have to guess or allow your ego to judge your capabilities.Paragliding is governed by the USHGA (United States Hang Gliding Association). This association sets the rules for safety and gives guidelines for learning and teaching. While paragliding is a self-governed sport, which does not require a license, safety should be your first priority.The Cost of paragliding on average, it will cost you about $1,200 to learn if you wish to receive a novice rating.

This will cover the cost of lessons and equipment rental, which is normally provided by the school.If you are still interested, the instructor will help you find the right paraglide to fit your needs. Buying your own equipment is the next and final step and it will run about $3,600.If you would like to learn to paraglide, all the information you need can be found on the USHGA website at USHGA dot Aero. Good luck and happy flying.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Want to fly? Learn how to paraglide.

Flying is a wonderful feeling. Most people experience flying at sometime in their life. This experience usually take place in a large commercial jet aircraft. People use this type of transportation to get from one location to another in the quickest form possible. There are however other forms of flying which may offer people a higher level of satisfaction.  Paragliding: This is an outdoor sport where people have the opportunity to fly while keepeing close to nature. You get to feel the wind blowing through your hair while soring through the air supported only by a harness, some lines and a parachute know as a paraglider.

Paraglidng offers more control than hang gliding does. This sport is an inexpensive way to fly. It does require some training but can be learned in a relatively short period of time.  Hang Gliding: This sport also entails flying high above the ground while maintaining a tight connection to the element. This sport uses a hang glider as a mode of flying. The hang glider is a great way to fly with out a motor. This sport has been gaining popularity over the past 20 years. Hang Gliding was invented before paragliding. 

Power Paragliding:

Power paragliding is similar to paraglidng but does not require wind to create lift. Instead the power paraglider creates it's velocity and lift with a small gas powered motor which powers a propeller. The motor and propeller are either strapped to the pilots back or attached to a small go cart type vehicle called a trike or a quad. When using a trik or a quad the motor and propeller are attached to the rear frame of the vehicle. There is then a parachute know as a paraglider attached with long lines the the vehicle which allows the quad or trike to glide through the air while the motor provides thrust.

The other option pilots use when paragliding is the solo method. This is when a pilot attaches the motor and propeller to their back using a back pack type device. They then sit in a harness which attaches to the lines which lead the the paraglider.  These forms of flying require some training and effort. To become a pilot in any of these sports it is important to understand how the sport works as well as how the air and weather work together. Once someone becomes a pilot and begins flying in these extreme sports they will immediately understand why these forms of flying are becoming more popular in the United States and all over the world.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why you should try paragliding

Few sports share the freedom in 3 dimensions that a paraglider does. A paraglider pilot is at one with his or her wing, exposed to nature and her elements. Paragliding is complete freedom in the air, soaring like a bird. It is an individual sport in the air (except tandem of course), but on the ground pilots enjoy a close common bond which bridges cultures and language.Age is no barrier to this great sport. Guys and Girls can fly from age 16 to over 80 years. Only 0.001% of the population fly paragliders, what makes them do it? A strong thrist for adventure and a taste for adrenalin.You may have considered other forms of light aviation, but most have drawbacks due to portability, storage and expense. Paragliders have many advantages, most notably cost and size, with a complete set of modern equipment fitting into a medium backpack.

Paragliding can only be done in fine weather, as rain adversely affects the wing. You can paraglide pretty much anywhere in the world, in France and Germany alone there over 60,000 paragliding pilots all enjoying the feeling of free flight, whether its smooth coastal soaring, thermalling in the Alps alongside birds of prey or acrobatic flying. Paragliding involved one of the lowest investments for equipment of all aviation sports, adding to its growing popularity. From Europe to Nepal, from Israel to Thailand, Bali to Hawaii, Australia to Brazil, Canada to Chile. I cant think of anything I would rather do on a fine sunny day. The world takes on a different feel from the air, the feeling of freedom is indescribable.

And when you have flown enough, touch down, pack your equipment into its backpack and hitch-hike home, or call your retrieval team.Over the last few years paragliders have improved in safety and performance. Paraglider flights have been made of over 500km All without the use of mechanical propultion. Thermic activity is harnessed by paragliders to gain altitude. Once sufficient altitude is gained, we glide off searching for another free ride to the clouds.The wings are extensively tested to ensure safety.

Making paragliding safer for all. Paragliding organisations around the globe govern the training and licencing of pilots. A great way to get a feel for the sport is to take part in an introductory flying day. If its something that you enjoy, you'll need to do licence training and then youre off. Some new pilots have commented that this is the best thing they have ever done in their lives! Go on, have a go. For more details, goto

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Discover paragliding in India

Thrilling, true, but not everybody can be a paraglider.They say, "There are no old and bold pilots," which means only luckyones live to grow old. This isn't meant to scare you, but to say that it needs a lion's heart to be able to fly high up in the sky - like a bird.Welcome to the exhilarating sport of paragliding. If theidea of flying like a bird over pristine countryside and making theskies your playground grabs you we recommend you give PARAGLIDING a try!Nirvana Adventures:Mr. Sanjay Rao,CEO of quoted "We quit our jobs,bought a house in Kamshet and started a paragliding institute calledNirvana Adventures,".

Native Place is a paragliding base for NirvanaAdventures, Kamshet. Conceptualised as the Nirvana AdventuresHQ it houses all the school facilities and infrastructure such as adebriefing zone, audio video training aids and mockups as well asaccommodation for instructors, students and visiting pilots.Nirvana Native Place.TATA INDICOM celebrates Moksha with Nirvana Adventures andNative Pace, Kamshet. MOKSHA ' with Nirvana Adventures &Native Place. After months of searching for the perfect place to get together TATA Indicoms Regional Sales Heads zeroed down onNative Place with its great atmosphere and spell binding monsoonvistas to celebrate.

Native Place - Paragliding base for NirvanaAdventures, Kamshet. The oldest and the only paragliding schoolaccommodation located in the middle of the flying zone at Kamshet,Native Place is a vibrant and a positive energy radiating retreat tonature. Designed as an eco friendly guesthouse to compliment an ecofriendly sport, this warm friendly place is a bright and airy piece ofarchitecture with charming features around a central, open to skycourtyard, custom made for our paragliding pilots and students whoenjoy their stay here and, within a few days come to identify it as ahome away from home, a place that will keep calling them back.Nirvana Adventures - Paragliding INDIA is on Facebook. Sign up forFacebook to connect with Nirvana Adventures - Paragliding INDIA.Paragliding.They are also providing paragliding equipmentsmanufactured globally.

Best season for the paragliding are the months from Octoberto February. The peak season starts from February and continues tillthe end of May.So Your wish of flying free as a bird dream can be fulfilledby joining Nirvana Adventures. Just log onto http://www.flynirvana.comfor more information.