Native Place is a paragliding base for NirvanaAdventures, Kamshet. Conceptualised as the Nirvana AdventuresHQ it houses all the school facilities and infrastructure such as adebriefing zone, audio video training aids and mockups as well asaccommodation for instructors, students and visiting pilots.Nirvana Native Place.TATA INDICOM celebrates Moksha with Nirvana Adventures andNative Pace, Kamshet. MOKSHA ' with Nirvana Adventures &Native Place. After months of searching for the perfect place to get together TATA Indicoms Regional Sales Heads zeroed down onNative Place with its great atmosphere and spell binding monsoonvistas to celebrate.
Native Place - Paragliding base for NirvanaAdventures, Kamshet. The oldest and the only paragliding schoolaccommodation located in the middle of the flying zone at Kamshet,Native Place is a vibrant and a positive energy radiating retreat tonature. Designed as an eco friendly guesthouse to compliment an ecofriendly sport, this warm friendly place is a bright and airy piece ofarchitecture with charming features around a central, open to skycourtyard, custom made for our paragliding pilots and students whoenjoy their stay here and, within a few days come to identify it as ahome away from home, a place that will keep calling them back.Nirvana Adventures - Paragliding INDIA is on Facebook. Sign up forFacebook to connect with Nirvana Adventures - Paragliding INDIA.Paragliding.They are also providing paragliding equipmentsmanufactured globally.
Best season for the paragliding are the months from Octoberto February. The peak season starts from February and continues tillthe end of May.So Your wish of flying free as a bird dream can be fulfilledby joining Nirvana Adventures. Just log onto http://www.flynirvana.comfor more information.
Check Fly Nirvana Paragliding School
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Paragliding in India Bored of routine activities? Add some adventure to your life with Flying Expert. Enjoy refreshing paragliding and fly like a free bird leaving behind all the worries and tensions.
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